Ch.. Ch.. Ch.. Changes

Change is hard. My parents are moving.

Not a big deal, right?  I don't live there anymore, so it shouldn't be a big deal.  Right? 
Well, it is- To me. 

We moved into their house right before my birthday of my senior year.  So, granted I never really lived there as a child, but I did live there for the longest time of any of our homes.  It was the home that my parents always wanted to build, and after many years of trying to find the "right spot" to build it, they found this property.  My big brother, who is an architect, designed the house.  It had all the right features:  Big living room, nice kitchen, great light.
It was a memory home.  You know, the home where you made your memories?  Christmas memories there were the BEST!
It was the place where we lived in when big changes happened in my life.  I graduated from high school and college while living in that house.  I got my first teaching job while living there.  I met and married my husband while living there.  It was a hard adjustment when I moved from my parents' home to my new house with my husband because I didn't have memories in the new house. Fifteen months later my new house is my home, but I still catch myself saying "home" when I reference my Mom and Dad's house.
This weekend I will bring home the last of my things left at my parents' house.  There will be few, if any, of my childhood things in their new place.  I won't ever be able to say, "When I lived here...".  My children will never have a Christmas in my parents' old house. 
Now, their new home...  It's awesome! I get to say that I "found" their house because I went with their realtor house hunting and knew this was their house when we saw it.  The next day my parents put an offer on the house.
Their new house is only ten minutes away from my house.  It's smaller, but it's still spacious and plenty of space for family dinners and a room for the nieces and nephews and our someday children to play upstairs. There's a pond in their backyard and it's a nice enough neighborhood that my parents can take evening strolls if they want to.  They won't spend all their time driving and the yard is small enough that they can garden or mow the grass without it taking a whole day and a half to do it.
We will get to make new memories in this new house, and soon enough it will be a home to my parents, and I'm sure I will at some point slip up and call it "home" as well. 


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